Quarterly Goals (Q4 2016)



Add all available alternate names for places to the search index and all queries to search across all those names. This would allow users to search for the same place in many languages, which gets us a step closer towards internationalization.

Component Geocoding

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016

Add support for address search where the five traditional parts of an address are specified independently, instead of the current single “text” input parameter. Currently users are forced to concatenate the address parts into a single string, often resulting in formatting issues and encoding errors.

Coarse Reverse geocoding

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016

The current implementation of coarse reverse geocoding is problematic and often returns incorrect results. We will switch over to a true point-in-polygon solution when the query specifies the “coarse” alias or any of the administrative layers in the filters.

Add Postcodes

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016

Postal codes will be added to the Elasticsearch index as a new layer. Searching for a specific postal code will return the appropriate record. Postal code records will be represented by reasonable centroids. Geometries will be ignored for this round of work. This will be a stepping stone towards future postal codes integration, with an accent on geometries and biasing results towards centroids of postal codes.


OSS Community

This is an ongoing goal that we plan to act on during every quarter, so don't be surprised to see it repeated every quarter.

Revisit fastly caching configuration

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016

Improve installation and build process

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016

Our vagrant build has fallen behind and is now broken, while many users still attempt to use it to setup a local installation of Pelias. We need to either fix vagrant or build a new system that will allow local setup of Pelias.

Make index snapshots publicly available

Note: this milestone is a carry-over from Q3-2016